August 13, 2022

Freddie “Budaboss” Omondi turns 40. #Part2

DECADE 02 (11-20yrs)
. At age 11, I start my own dance crew of kids my age and younger .. coping moves from my elder brother Odhis, the founder of Zangalewa dance crew, and teaching them to the kids kwa estate

. The same year, I begin playing serious football when I’m picked from Lucky Strikers, to play for Mathare United aka MYSA (Btw, I played for Mathare United till I joined campus)

. I’m selected to go to Norway to play for Mathare United at a tournament, only to be dropped at the last minute.. literally kwa airport… my father was so mad that he banned me from ever playing football again (that ban never worked)

. At some point I become an altar boy, serving faithfully at St. Teresa’s Parish Eastleigh

. I join a boxing club at Undugu; I’m quickly punched out this foolish idea.. back to football

. I make my debut appearance on TV; the interschools debate hosted by the late Ochuka (if memory serves me right) and airing on KBC

. High School happens and I’m forced to go to Chianda High School (on disciplinary grounds)… it turned out to be a blessing in disguise

. I survive mob justice.. no details at this juncture (trust me, crime doesn’t pay)

. I give my life to the Lord Jesus, as my Lord and my saviour… great turning point in my life

. We start a theatre group called NASISI theatre productions, together with compatriots Kariithi Mugo and Wilson Gicheru… it became a travelling theatre doing shows in schools, hotels and our main stay auditoriums.. The day we started making money is the day the group fell apart

. My career as a scriptwriter begins here, writing poems and love messages on hand made love notes and cards and selling them to Maseno University students… necessity is the mother of inventions (by this time I was playing football for Maseno University on a fake student ID… wacha maisha iitwe maisha)

. I’m a total orphan towards the end of this decade… dad died first when I was in primary school then mom followed when I was in high school… hapa maisha ilitutolea makucha

. Called to join JKUAT for my undergrad and within the 1st semester I apply for intervarsity transfer to K. U…. Reason? the ratio of boys to girls which was at best 7:1 was too much for me to handle… my transfer request was accepted but suddenly, some comments and some intervention from a particular lady lecturer X changed my mind (wachana tu na hii story)

. Fierce battle with addiction begins… many are the things we start innocently out of curiosity but you only realize how deep and how bad, when you want to stop but you can’t

…. NB: Decade 03 loading…..

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