August 14, 2022

Freddie “Budaboss” Omondi turns 40. #Part3

DECADE 03 (21-30)
. I become a campus star… I get a chance to perform for the then president, the late Daniel Arap Moi

. In this decade, I also get to perform for the then president, the late Mwai Kibaki

. I overcome my addictions (wueeeeeeh, after 8yrs)

. I become a serious drama director and scriptwriter in the Kenya National Drama Festival, winning at the nationals in the last 3 consecutive years of this decade… winning narrative with Murang’a High School in 2010, winning play with Alliance Girls in 2011 and winning solo verse with Alliance Girls in 2012

. I graduate and 2 years later I quit practicing landscape architecture to focus on entertainment (hehehehe… one day I’ll tell this story)

. Church leadership in drama and youth ministries at P. C. E. A. Eastleigh (Lord’s Army Peers) and CITAM Karen.

. I land a gigg to start my pro onscreen acting career on a show called Tabasamu airing then on Citizen TV every Monday masaa za gizani (This show brought me lots of trouble with the church folk)

. I get married to my wife; a gorgeous fantabulous sweet lady (words carefully chosen) who changed my life for the better (my former housemate and roommates in campus can testify)

. I lose my sister in this decade… I actually dedicated my final year project to her… I designed a cemetery for my final year project with her in mind… trust me, this was no ordinary cemetery… the design envisaged the concept of life after death with a sharp contrast of heaven and hell… in the heaven side we had beautiful waterfalls, fountains, gardens and orchards whilst on the hell side we hard dry rock gardens full of thorns and thistles… the graves were staircased and one could bury several people on one spot with an automated lowering and identification system plus a tax deductible system that ensured upon death there was no need for any fundraising… everyone would get a state burial… wacha tu… on the day of final presentation I wore black top to bottom,a white tie with a glowing printed skeleton, white gloves and gumboots… my intention was to bury the lecturers and external examiners… and I did… I got a straight A on this one… the loss of a loved can be a great motivation for excellence sometimes

. I join Morforce in 2012 to study TV and Film Production and I’m contracted as an assistant tutor in one of the short course classes.

. Our first born comes through… asante (just know, hapa Kuna story)

. At the tail end of this decade I get baptized in the Holy Spirit and begin speaking in tongues (NB: This is a significant occurrence that shaped the next decade)

…. NB: Decade 04 loading….

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