August 12, 2022

Freddie “Budaboss” Omondi turns 40.

Today I’ve officially turned 40. This is a glance at the key highlights of the 4 decades of my life: I’m sharing with you cause you are special to me.

DECADE 01 (1-10yrs)
. I’m born during the 1982 coup… no vehicles were in operation at the time my mother had to deliver me and movements from one place to another had greatly been restricted… my father couldn’t accompany her for fear of being arrested or something close to it… but my mother roho juu walked to Kenyatta by herself in her labor pains (sema strength of a woman)… anyhu, shortly after, I arrived with a bhang

. At around age 2, I nearly died… playing football in the kitchen lands me in a giant size sufuria with boiling water… yap, I boiled in that water for a little while before letting out a heart wrenching scream… I’m told when they came to rescue me, flesh would remain in their hands. The hospitals saw no hope… But Mungu ni nani, He used our house help at that time to bring the wisdom for my healing… some shrubs she had identified outside our home in Eastleigh, mixed with mafuta ya bunduki… bottom line, God healed me through this intervention and left a few marks on my body as a reminder of His goodness and mercies

. At age 9, I start my public speaking and stage performances journey

…. NB: Decade 02 loading….

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