Freddie “Budaboss” Omondi turns 40 #Part4

A synopsis of Budaboss’ life until 40
Freddie “Budaboss” Omondi turns 40. #Part3

A synopsis of Budaboss’ life until 40.
Freddie “Budaboss” Omondi turns 40. #Part2

A synopsis of Budaboss’ life until 40.
Freddie “Budaboss” Omondi turns 40.

A synopsis of Budaboss’ life until 40.
Celebrating Progress

As we embark on a new journey towards impactful Ministry through entertainment, we introduce to you the all new Budaboss Live brand colors. Black is for the color of our skin and appreciating who we are. Yellow is for our optimism and zeal as we fear not the road ahead for God is with us all. White is for the peace and tranquility God has given us through the rough periods of Life. Grey recognizes the reality of our flaws and humbles us before our almighty father who is pure. A big shout-out to our super fans who are the reason why we do this ministry each and every day. When we asked how you guys are raising a morally fit family, this is what some of our super fans had to say this week. @_.komo.rebi_ and @joahn_m on Instagram.
Market Place Evangelism

I can’t imagine!! Really, Brother Paul!! At 8:30 a.m. I am busy preparing for a board meeting whose key agenda is the proposal I’m finalizing on; a proposal on a ground breaking idea that will change the entire course of the company. Then, I have a Damascus experience… I encounter Brother Paul, the diehard close to fanatic follower of Jesus Christ from the marketing department.
Food For Thought from BudaBoss

Me Thinks: The easiest thing to become is the best amongst the rest. All you have to do is surround yourself with those weaker or lesser than you or kill your competition or get undue advantage.
Me Thinks:The hardest thing to become is the best of yourself.
What Makes You a Christian?
Christianity is likened with marriage that is husband and wife and in this case Jesus Christ and church .The question is, what makes someone a wife and husband? If today you find a woman who cooks for you, does the house chores for you and in fact take cares of your kids, does that make that woman your wife?
8 Things That Don’t Make You a Christian

1. Important as it is, listening to GOSPEL MUSIC does not make you a Christian; We are not Kenyans by virtue of listening to the national anthem.
2. Important as it is, READING THE BIBLE does not make you a Christian; The devil did not tempt Jesus with the word of Harry Potter.
The Inside Job

Whereas crime may exist in our day to day lives, there is a manner in which if it takes place it only leaves one conclusion… it must be an inside job. Meaning, looking at the prevailing circumstances under which the crime took place, thereby defeating the argument of natural crime occurences, the said crime could not have been possible to execute, unless there was someone from the inside facilitating the crime hence the inside job.